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These days I seldom buy newspapers - the paper version, that is. It used to be a luxury lazing around reading the dailies, but I guess these luxuries disappear the moment other priorities like work and family take over. So I turned to the Internet. The Internet is such a wonderful media. You not only get your local and regional dailies, even foreign news direct from the source as well, and all through a single window - your computer terminal. Yet too much of a good thing ... you know ... information overload! I actually found I spent much more time online surfing around, wasting time clicking on links, getting bogged down by incessant lag. Familiar with such problems? I am going to show you how to really save a lot of time and yet still get maximum mileage out of understanding the latest news and happenings. If you follow the step-by-step instructions, I guarantee that you won't be spending more than a minute every day scanning the headlines of your favorite daily to decide if there's anything there that's worth much more of your time. It's easy!
Step 1: Pick your Favorite Newspaper Step 2: Create a Bookmark and Track Step 3: Receive Daily News Hot Tip #1: Now to REALLY scan it in 60 seconds - Summary Mode To effectively scan the entire news headlines in 60 seconds, you have to send the report in Summary Mode. You will need to change one of the preferences settings called Please analyze and format: in the Preferences Window as shown above. To change your report format to Summary Mode, you will need to edit the bookmark you have just created. Go to My Bookmarks. for a current list of your TrackEngine bookmarks. Find the bookmark you have just created. The bookmarks are usually created with the Title of the HTML page, unless you had changed it. If you can't find the bookmark, especially if it's in one of your folders, the search facility on the TrackEngine site should bring it up. Click on Edit and a new window will pop up, showing all your preferences. Simply toggle the Highlight Mode to Summary Mode in Please analyze and format. This is how the Summary Mode output looks like: Notice that you don't have to bear with all that glare and glitz of the highlighted page but can now concentrate on the core information you are interested in. The best part of it is that you can click on any of the links and return to the site to read the full article. Hot Tip #2: Filter out the Non-Essential News I am not too keen to read about cases of crime every day. So in the above example, I further instructed TrackEngine to remove sections containing the keywords "Rape, robbery, theft, traffic, closures, assault". How can you do this too? Easy - by using the Exclude Keyword function. Edit your bookmark again. Go to the section titled Hot Stuff - But Don't Annoy Me With. Now add in the keywords you want excluded from any new content. With these techniques, I am able to browse through as many as 20 newspapers and magazines in under an hour each day and keep myself sufficiently updated. Do you have a tip to share with other TrackEngine users? If so, pick up your virtual pen now and write to us at sharetip@trackengine.com!
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